Business Leader • Advisor • Author • Columnist • Speaker • Broadcaster


Author of The Business Of Life


3D image of the book Pimps Whores and Patrons of Virtue

Author of Pimps Whores And Patrons Of Virtue


Core Competencies

FYMC & Manning are a creative marketing, advertising and corporate governance powerhouse. Our processes are designed to deliver finely tuned, creative, thought and action provoking solutions.


Online and Offline Advertising and Marketing Agency

Primary focus on Direct Response Marketing. We conceive offers, advertising, marketing and messaging for products, services, institutional and market share positioning and support.

We deliver messages to select audiences through strategic digital, terrestrial, broadcast and esoteric advertising placements.

We have generated in excess of $45 Billion in revenues in the direct response space.

  • Online
    • Active since the introduction of commercial application on the Internet.
    • Over 500 offers and creatives in the space, billions of digital messages deployed annually. FYMC has multiple “million sellers” among those.
      • Relevant Media:
        • access and deploy up to five billion of permission-based email media daily
        • access and deploy up to five billion of display media daily
        • access and deploy up to 75 Million mobile display units daily
  • Offline
    • Over 1,000 offers, creatives, games, sweepstakes, promotions, and incentive involvement devices in the space.
    • 4.5 billion promotional direct mail pieces mailed, domestic and international
    • Over $350 Million Media transacted in traditional direct mail and specialty D.R.
    • Over $500 Million spent on graphics and printing

Media Distribution Channels

  • Email
  • Display and Contextual
  • Specialty media
  • Broadcast (radio, TV, streaming)
  • Terrestrial mail
  • Space advertising
  • Social media
  • Content discovery networks
  • Esoteric media
  • Live performance media
  • Integrated multiple traditional and esoteric media channels

Custom and proprietary consumer communications platforms

Marketing consumers in a multi-channel, cross device manner at precisely the time when they are likely to be most engaged.

  • OfferAgility® PLATFORM
  • RealTime Evergreen® PLATFORM
  • Real time information/media feeds within marketing messages
  • Message customization by evaluating consumers with a hyper level of information about them,
    internal and external, at the precise time the messages are sent.


Database Building and Marketing. Consumer profiling.

  • Over 500 Million terrestrial, 1 billion email records in multi-variate, mineable, uniquely
    targetable data sets, aggregating to 1.4 trillion multi-sourced data attributes: demographics,
    psychographics, lifestyle characteristics and behavior, social position indexes.
  • Customer profiling, predictive modeling and database building, using hundreds of external data
    sources and attributes in consort with client data.
  • Datacomm LLC financial database. 125 million households, with up to 500 specific data-attributes.
    Focused on financial data.


Consumer Data and Revenue Recovery

  • Patented technology to recover email and terrestrial addresses of consumers who enter as little as
    one relevant keystroke in any web form on any website or interstitial.
  • Exact location IP technology used to capture terrestrial and email addresses, coupled with 3rd
    party overlays to provide the household name and or individual name of visitors to client websites.
  • mobile devices.


Advisory Services

  • Advertising, marketing, product/service development, concept to analytics
  • Legal review
  • Regulatory agency compliance and communication
  • Authoring materials for the benefit and use of senior management and for publication
  • Corporate processes and governance: structure, leadership, operations and logistics, management, positioning, human and hard assets deployment and management, capitalization, investment/divestment, strategies, business development
  • Corporate and project specific messaging
  • Conflict resolution
  • Public speaking


Other Competencies

  • Relationships Development, Management and Applications
    We leverage our competencies, experience, extensive resources and relationships in multiple industries, in extensive geographies for the benefit of our clients.
  • Higher Education – Brick and Mortar and Online
    Ownership, senior executive and management functions at one of the most prestigious colleges in Central Europe
  • Lecturing on a range of topics in U.S. and internationally.
    List of most frequently requested topics on request.
  • Expert talks, interviews and podcasts across all media.
    List of most frequently requested topics on request.
  • Book author — non-fiction



  • Concepts
  • Creation
  • Execution
  • Top 1% global guests booking


Our Process

  • Frame the relationship between our clients and us.
  • Study the requirements of our clients’ businesses, including corporate governance requirements and sensitivities, merchandising, advertising, customer acquisition, marketing and media plans, re-marketing and CRM matrices, corporate and project specific messaging.
  • Analyze and evaluate historical results by product/service, creative approach, media channel.
  • Quantify and qualify impact of advertising and marketing when the project is institutional.
  • Quantify brand requirements, acceptable levels of risk, corporate sensitivities.
  • Review advertising, marketing, merchandising, services and logistical assets.
  • Establish goals and budgets.
  • Build a go forward marketing/media model. A business model when appropriate.
  • Create products, services and institutional offers; build marketing materials when appropriate.
  • Create promotions, involvement devices, games of chance and skill when appropriate.
  • Identify and qualify best service providers and business partners.
  • Execute approved plan.
  • Create comprehensive reporting relationships and tools.