Steven J. Manning: on my mind…
Crystal clear?
I always have and will always capitalize the word Holocaust. To not do so, would be an intellectual and moral failure. I grew up with the Holocaust, the German one, front-and-center in my then-recent history, and, consequently, upbringing and education. Both my parents were survivors of the camps. Very few of their extended families survived. They survived but never entirely overcame the scars. To this writing, I have not been able to explain...
New Year? On honesty, sins and ideology, imagination, resignation, moral ambiguity, situational ethics, convictions, friendships, confidence, philanthropy, empathy, trust, love, faith, remorse, passion, humility. And more.
A serious admonition, and a challenging aspiration. Also guiding principles in life, by your humble scribe, Steve Manning. You can perish in the flames generated by the heat of your own passions. And, yet ... A Life Without Passion Is Not A Life Worth Living. Now, to the perennial New Year’s dumb-as-owl-poop resolutions. This upcoming calendar-page-flip, for very few of you paper rather than digital, will bring about certain,...
Socialism and the stupid
How uneducated, limited, and stupid can you be? An astounding 55% of college students have zero clue what Socialism is. Yet, over 50% assert that Socialism is preferred to the dastardly capitalism of the US. 90% of college professors who assert to be liberal, love Socialism. Alas... The privilege of the worst disease ever beset on heretofore “higher education”: tenure! Just as another astounding aside, 57% of liberal identifying students...
Supply chain what?
The one Biden said last week that he fixed in April... I opine the Biden regime needs to get out a bit more. See “stuff” for themselves. I further opine that all those “reports” read by Biden and crew, those the regime foolishly parrots AND alarmingly relies on, need at least a minimal edit by an average college junior econ. major. Wondering: does anybody know who the low-ranked pukes are who write that balderdash? We know who does not read...
The Righteous AT&T and the KKK…
Not so many years ago, AT&T along with GM and very few other of the behemoths were the most frequently taught models of corporate governance in many/most top MBA programs in the country. AT&T served millions of businesses in what was then their core telephone business. An AT&T customer, my company’s international business chewed up a fair bit of telephone dollars; a significant expenditure for us. In the grand scheme of AT&T’s...
A Chat With The COVID Virus
Yo, COVID virus! Got a minute? Mind if I remove my 17¢ life-saving blue paper mask so that I can better “see” you and “hear” you? Oh. OK. You could care less... Question for you: can you like jump out of an open window of a moving car and bite me when I am walking on a sidewalk? ‘Cause, you see, I see soooo many people walking, alone, on sidewalks all over the country wearing those Fauci-clown things on their faces. Just yesterday, midday, I...
The Fourth Reich (China) And NIKE
Yes! The Fourth Reich: the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. And one of its elite enablers: NIKE. Setting this up, an acquaintance of many years asked me why in my book, Pimps Whores And Patrons Of Virtue I wrote about NIKE with loathing, and without explanation. He fancies himself as a genuine intellectual and uber informed. On reflection, his claims are absurd and pathetic, respectively. Allowing myself the conceit of truth: I am not a racist, do...
The Sublime Arrogance Of Power
Clearly in the new United Socialist States Of America, that is the clear path to FAILING UP! What say you?
This Is Not Your Parents U.S.A. Nor Yours As You Want To Remember It!
This Is Not Your Parents U.S.A. Nor Yours As You Want To Remember It! Satire, humor, wit, in fact, free speech GONE! Watching and listening to the President and his hapless paid hacks (his cabinet, with special mention to his press secretary), I am really impressed with the degree of their unfounded and shameless pride. Perhaps I should not be putting Biden in that company. He is alarmingly and sadly pathetic, and entirely absent. Mostly...
On Social Media … Or Explaining Bitcoin To Buddhist Monks
Some argue that the wheels on much of human intellect fell off with the advent of Social Media. It is likely a more successful argument that the big Social Media dogs created, operate, fuel and have empowered beyond comprehension, mostly sophomoric outlets that have cheapened and inexorably altered the social fabric. Most pretense of thoughtful, reasonable, informed and civil discourse has by and large been destroyed. It is as frightening as it...
storyteller • satirist • humorist • speaker • businessman
Some people collect stamps, memorabilia, music, dolls, comic books, Zippo lighters, bottle caps, stamps, cars, coins, Happy Meals toys, rocks, bad habits …
Manning collects people, stories and hopefully wisdom from his millions of life and real miles traveled. He writes unbridled satire, humor and much on social/political/economics/lifestyle realities. All for intelligent, informed, discerning readers. A sense of humor is a must.
“Life Is Not A Dress Rehearsal” and “A Life Without Passion Is A Life Not Worth Living,” are on his omnipresent imaginary teleprompter.
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